1. masculine noun Man.
Etymology: From Latin homo.
1. auxiliary verb To have (used in compound tenses). It is followed by a participle. Example: Mou marit hast -mi deixat, my husband has left me.
2. transitive verb To have (possession or ownership). Example: J’heh ũn’aut nou, I have a new car.
3. impersonal verb It expresses existence or presence. It is always conjugated in singular with the pronoun se. Example: S’hast moutas cosas qwe façre, there are many things to do.
Etymology: From Latin habere.
[ˈawəɾe de]
1. periphrastic verb It expresses an external obligation with respect to the speaker, like “to have to”. It is followed by an infinitive. Example: Tots hawèms de complăre as lleixas, everybody has to obey the laws.
1. masculine noun Winter.
Etymology: From Latin hibernum.
1. feminine noun The letter h.