[au̯t enˈraʃ]
1. adverb of manner However.
Etymology: From Spanish alto embargo via *alto embrago.
[au̯t enˈraʃ]
1. adverb of manner However.
Etymology: From Spanish alto embargo via *alto embrago.
1. adverb of manner Thus, like this, such, so.
Etymology: From Latin ad sic, with interference of nĩ, via *ansina, cf. Portuguese assim.
1. adverb of manner Well, correctly. Example: Ous stuggants façeiren oul’eixam bain, the students did well in the exam.
2. masculine noun Good (as in good and evil).
Etymology: From Latin bene.
[bai̯n kwe]
1. concessive conjunction Although. Example: Bain qwe ill eh inferm, ill venaré hogge, although he is ill, he’ll come today.
1. conditional conjunction If, in case.
Etymology: From Latin si.
2. adverb of affirmation Yes.
Etymology: From Latin sic.
[si bai̯n]
1. concessive conjunction Although. Example: Si bain ill hast façat grãns progreixes, tuvïe nõn hast ou nivell sufizant, although he has made a great improvement, he is not up to the standard yet.
1. interrogative and exclamative pronoun How. Example: Com apelles-ti?, What’s your name? (literally: how do you call yourself?
2. causal conjunction As, because, since. Example: Com s’hawabe pluggat, a strata esabe moixata, as it had rained, the street was wet.
3. adverb of manner Like, as. Example: Faça-ou com tu volles, do it as you wish.
Etymology: From Latin quomodo.
[kom kwe]
2. conditional conjunction If, in case. Example: Com qwe nõ manngges-ti ou plat de lentellas, esarés castigat, if you don’t eat the dish of lentils, you’ll be punished.
1. adjective Bad.
2. adverb of manner Badly, poorly.
3. masculine noun Evil, harm.
Etymology: From Latin malus.