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1. adverb of quantity So much (quantity), so often (frequency), so, such. Example: Nõ virca tant o ta salù notaré-ou, Don’t work so much or your health will notice it.

2. indefinite determiner So much, so many. Example: Tanta genta na strata pone-mi neuròs, so many people on the street make me nervous.

3. indefinite pronoun So much, so many. Example: Gga hen esat costrujats tants, so many have been already built.

Etymology: From Latin tantus.

~ … com

[tant kom]

1. comparative conjunction As … as, as much as, as many as. Example: Jo vollarïe esăre tant aut com a Llũ, I’d like to be as tall as the Moon.

~ … qwe

[tant kwe]

1. consecutive conjunction So much … that, so many … that. Example: Tants vadeiren ad a warra, qwe ou pouple risté sens homes, so many went to the war, that the town ran out of men.



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1. indefinite determiner Little (singular), few (plural). It expresses a small quantity. Example: S’hast paucas pereixonas na strata, there are few people in the street.

2. indefinite pronoun Little (singular), few (plural). It expresses a small quantity. Example: Paucs osen-ou reitre, few (of them) dare to challenge him.

3. adverb of quantity Not much, little. It expresses a small quantity. Example: Nos vidèms-nus pauc, we see each other little.

Etymology: From Latin paucus.


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1. adverb of quantity A lot, much. Example: J’ame-ti mout, I love you a lot.

2. adverb of quantity Very (used to express the superlative degree in adjectives and adverbs). Example: A citàt eh mout bella, the city is very beautiful.

3. indefinite determiner A lot of, much, many. Example: Jo laic ou cafè cõ mout sucer, I like coffee with a lot of sugar; mouts lãns dou mond viwen n’eixtrema pauperiza, many countries in the world live in the extreme poverty.

4. indefinite pronoun Much, many. Example: Mouts hen-si qwezonat pur qwe hast sucedat dou, many have asked themselves why this has happened, da mannggata d’hjer, s’hast tuvïe mouta, of the food from yesterday, there is still much of it left.

Etymology: From Latin multus.