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1. adverb of quantity So much (quantity), so often (frequency), so, such. Example: Nõ virca tant o ta salù notaré-ou, Don’t work so much or your health will notice it.

2. indefinite determiner So much, so many. Example: Tanta genta na strata pone-mi neuròs, so many people on the street make me nervous.

3. indefinite pronoun So much, so many. Example: Gga hen esat costrujats tants, so many have been already built.

Etymology: From Latin tantus.

~ … com

[tant kom]

1. comparative conjunction As … as, as much as, as many as. Example: Jo vollarïe esăre tant aut com a Llũ, I’d like to be as tall as the Moon.

~ … qwe

[tant kwe]

1. consecutive conjunction So much … that, so many … that. Example: Tants vadeiren ad a warra, qwe ou pouple risté sens homes, so many went to the war, that the town ran out of men.



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1. preposition By (agent complement in the passive voice). Example: Ou cjude esé trowat pur ou polizist, the child was found by the policeman.

2. preposition Because of, due to (cause). Example: Ou port eh fermat pur a mala vedra, the harbour is closed due to bad weather.

3. preposition For (period of time). Example: J’ausentré-mi dou virc pur douz houras, I’ll be out of my workplace for two hours.

4. preposition For, instead of (interchange). Example: Jo vend oul’autmowïul pur seix mill euros, I sell my car for six thousand euros.

5. preposition Along (a street), through (a place). Example: Jo vad pur a strata, I’m walking along the street.

6. preposition Times, by (multiplications). Example: A stanza mesure cinc meters pur tre e megg, the room is five metres long by three and a half wide.

7. preposition It express the way something is done or achieved. Example: Jo consegé-ou pur ma costanza, I achieved it by being constant.

Etymology: From Latin pro with interference with per.

~ qwe

[puɾ kwe]

1. interrogative and exclamative pronoun Why. It asks for the reason why something has happened. Example: Pur qwe arriwes semper tard?, why do you always arrive late?

2. causal conjunction Because. It answers the question “why?”. Example: Illa donaré una festa pur qwe hogge eh soul’annursari, she’s giving a party because today’s her birthday.

~ tant

[puɾ tant]

1. consecutive conjunction So, therefore. Example: J’heh corrat deix cilometers, pur tant ara jo sõ tirrat, I’ve run ten kilometres, therefore I’m tired now.


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1. masculine noun Way, manner, mode, mood (verbs).

Etymology: From Latin modus.

de ~ qwe

[de mod kwe]

1. consecutive conjunction So that, so, therefore. It expresses consequence.