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1. derivative suffix Added to a noun, it derives a new adjective. It is specially used for nationalities, languages, etc. Example: Ggermanna (noun), Germany, ggermannès (adjective); Spanna (noun), Spain, spannès (adjective), Spanish.

Etymology: From Latin -ense.


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1. derivative suffix Added to the stem of a verb, it derives the corresponding noun. Example: sentre-si (verb), to sit down, sentori (noun), chair; ouseurăre (verb), to observe, ouseuratori (noun), observatory.

Etymology: From Latin -oriu.


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1. derivative suffix Added to a noun, it derives the corresponding adjective. Example: sfera (noun), sphere, sfèric (adjective), spherical; os (noun), bone, òsic (adjective), bony, osseous.

Etymology: From Latin -icu.


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1. derivative suffix Added to an adjective, it derives the corresponding noun. Example: surd (adjective), deaf, surdera (noun), deafness; mut (adjective), dumb, mutera (noun), dumbness; cec (adjective), blind, cecera (noun), blindness.

Etymology: From Latin -aria.


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1. derivative suffix Added to the stem of a verb, it derives a new noun. Example: graudre-si (verb), to become pregnant, graudanza (noun), pregnancy; priferăre (verb), to prefer, priferanza (noun), preference.

Etymology: From Latin -antia.


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1. derivative suffix Added to a noun or a participle of a verb, it derives the corresponding adjective. Example: rilazõ (noun), relation, rilatïu (adjective), relative; aimentre (verb), to augment, aimentatïu (adjective), augmentative.

Etymology: From Latin -ivus.


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1. derivative suffix Added to a noun, it derives a new noun expressing rejection or lesser importance. Example: pare, father, paraster, step-father; mara, mother, marastera, step-mother.

Etymology: From Latin -aster.


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1. derivative suffix Added to the stem of a verb, it derives the corresponding noun or adjective. Example: discendre (verb), to descend, discendant (noun), descendant; stimowăre (verb), to stimulate, stimowant (adjective), stimulating.

Etymology: From Latin -ante.

2. derivative suffix Added to the stem of a verb, it derives the corresponding gerund (present participle). Example: chantre, to sing, chantant, singing.

Etymology: From Latin -andu.


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1. derivative suffix Added to a noun, it derives a new noun meaning abundance or relationship. Examples: (noun), pine, pinau (noun), pine grove; scola (noun), school, scolau (noun), schoolchild, pupil.

Etymology: From Latin -ale.


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1. derivative suffix Added to a noun or an adjective, it can derive a new noun. Examples: malesc (adjective), malescisme (noun); bèllic (adjective), bellicisme (noun); ailet (noun), ailetisme (noun).

Etymology: From Greek -ismos via Latin -ismus.