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1. interrogative and exclamative pronoun How. Example: Com apelles-ti?, What’s your name? (literally: how do you call yourself?

2. causal conjunction As, because, since. Example: Com s’hawabe pluggat, a strata esabe moixata, as it had rained, the street was wet.

3. adverb of manner Like, as. Example: Faça-ou com tu volles, do it as you wish.

Etymology: From Latin quomodo.

~ qwe

[kom kwe]

2. conditional conjunction If, in case. Example: Com qwe nõ manngges-ti ou plat de lentellas, esarés castigat, if you don’t eat the dish of lentils, you’ll be punished.


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1. interrogative and exclamative pronoun When. Example: Qwand vojaixarés tu a Franza?, when are you going to travel to France?

2. conjunction of time When. Example: Jo vidabe a televeixõ de segat qwand ou telefõ soné, I was watching TV when the telephone rang.

Etymology: From Latin quando.

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1. interrogative and exclamative pronoun Where. Example: Dõn has esat?, where have you been?

2. relative pronoun Where. Example: A cità dõ jo naçé apelle-si Nou Jorc, the city where I was born is called New York.

Etymology: From Latin de unde.


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1. interrogative and exclamative pronoun Who. Example: Qwĩn arriwé hjer tant tard?, who arrived yesterday so late?

2. relative pronoun Who, that. Example: Mas ggermanas, qwĩns vircen nous Stats Unats, paraulen ainglès perfetament, my sisters, who work in the United States, speak English perfectly.

Etymology: From Latin quem.


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1. nominal conjunction That. Example: Jo cred qwe tu dewarïes tallăre-ti ou capell, I think that you should have your hair cut.

2. relative pronoun Who (with people), which (with things), that. Example: Ous soudats qwe eseiren mout valeroses ritorneiren pur fĩ, the soldiers who had been very brave returned at last.

3. interrogative and exclamative determiner What. It expresses emotions or asks about the nature, intensity, quantity or quality of the noun it substitutes. It is usually accompanied by the word cosa. Example: Qwe houra eh? What time is it?

4. interrogative and exclamative pronoun What. It expresses emotions or asks about the nature, intensity, quantity or quality of the noun it substitutes. Example: Qwe eh aceu? What is that?

Etymology: From Latin quid.

~ cosa

[kwe ˈkosa]

1. interrogative and exclamative determiner What. It expresses emotions or asks about the nature, intensity, quantity or quality of the noun it substitutes. Example: Qwe cosa eh poimerja? What is poetry?, qwe houra eh? What time is it?


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1. preposition By (agent complement in the passive voice). Example: Ou cjude esé trowat pur ou polizist, the child was found by the policeman.

2. preposition Because of, due to (cause). Example: Ou port eh fermat pur a mala vedra, the harbour is closed due to bad weather.

3. preposition For (period of time). Example: J’ausentré-mi dou virc pur douz houras, I’ll be out of my workplace for two hours.

4. preposition For, instead of (interchange). Example: Jo vend oul’autmowïul pur seix mill euros, I sell my car for six thousand euros.

5. preposition Along (a street), through (a place). Example: Jo vad pur a strata, I’m walking along the street.

6. preposition Times, by (multiplications). Example: A stanza mesure cinc meters pur tre e megg, the room is five metres long by three and a half wide.

7. preposition It express the way something is done or achieved. Example: Jo consegé-ou pur ma costanza, I achieved it by being constant.

Etymology: From Latin pro with interference with per.

~ qwe

[puɾ kwe]

1. interrogative and exclamative pronoun Why. It asks for the reason why something has happened. Example: Pur qwe arriwes semper tard?, why do you always arrive late?

2. causal conjunction Because. It answers the question “why?”. Example: Illa donaré una festa pur qwe hogge eh soul’annursari, she’s giving a party because today’s her birthday.

~ tant

[puɾ tant]

1. consecutive conjunction So, therefore. Example: J’heh corrat deix cilometers, pur tant ara jo sõ tirrat, I’ve run ten kilometres, therefore I’m tired now.