1. adjective New.
Etymology: From Latin novus.
2. numeral Nine.
Etymology: From Latin novem.
3. preposition-article contraction, masculine singular In the.
Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into noul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: nous; for feminine forms, see na (1).
Etymology: From ne ou.
4. possessive determiner, masculine singular Our.
Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into noul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: nous; for feminine forms, see na (2).
Etymology: From Latin nos (we), by analogy with tuus (your).
5. possessive pronoun, masculine singular Ours.
Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into noul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: nous; for feminine forms, see na (3).
Etymology: The same as 4.
N~ Pare
[nou̯ ˈpaɾe]
1. masculine noun Lord’s Prayer, Our Father.