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1. possessive determiner, feminine singular His, her, its.

2. possessive pronoun, feminine singular His, hers, its.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into sal’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: sas; for feminine forms, see sou.

Etymology: From Latin sua.


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1. possessive determiner, masculine singular His, her, its.

2. possessive pronoun, masculine singular His, hers, its.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into soul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: sous; for feminine forms, see sa.

Etymology (1-2): From Latin suus.

3. preposition Under, below. Example: Ous cjudes scondeiren-si sou ou llit, the children hid under the bed.

Etymology (3): From Latin sub.


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1. possessive determiner, feminine singular Your.

2. possessive pronoun, feminine singular Yours.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into tal’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: tas; for feminine forms, see tou.

Etymology: From Latin tua.


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1. possessive determiner, masculine singular Your.

2. possessive pronoun, masculine singular Yours.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into toul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: tous; for feminine forms, see ta.

Etymology: From Latin tuus.


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1. possessive determiner, feminine singular Your.

2. possessive pronoun, feminine plural Yours.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into val’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For feminine plural: vas; for masculine forms, see vou. It can be used in polite speech to address one or more people. It is also used in prayers to God and the Virgin Mary.

Etymology (2-3): From Latin vos (you), by analogy with tua (your).


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1. possessive determiner, masculine plural Your.

2. possessive pronoun, masculine plural Yours.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into voul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: vous; for feminine forms, see va. It can be used in polite speech to address one or more people. It is also used in prayers to God and the Virgin Mary.

Etymology: From Latin vos (you), by analogy with tuus (your).


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1. possessive determiner, feminine singular My.

2. possessive pronoun, feminine singular Mine.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into mal’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: mas; for feminine forms, see mou.

Etymology: From Latin mea.


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1. possessive determiner, masculine singular My.

2. possessive pronoun, masculine singular Mine.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into moul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: mous; for feminine forms, see ma.

Etymology: From Latin meus by analogy with tuus.


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1. preposition-article contraction, feminine singular In the.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into nal’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For feminine plural: nas; for masculine forms, see nou (3).

Etymology: From ne a.

2. possessive determiner, feminine singular Our.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into nal’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For feminine plural: nas; for masculine forms, see nou (4).

3. possessive pronoun, feminine singular Ours.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into nal’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For feminine plural: nas; for masculine forms, see nou (5).

Etymology (2-3): From Latin nos (we), by analogy with tua (your).


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1. adjective New.

Etymology: From Latin novus.

2. numeral Nine.

Etymology: From Latin novem.

3. preposition-article contraction, masculine singular In the.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into noul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: nous; for feminine forms, see na (1).

Etymology: From ne ou.

4. possessive determiner, masculine singular Our.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into noul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: nous; for feminine forms, see na (2).

Etymology: From Latin nos (we), by analogy with tuus (your).

5. possessive pronoun, masculine singular Ours.

Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into noul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: nous; for feminine forms, see na (3).

Etymology: The same as 4.

N~ Pare

[nou̯ ˈpaɾe]

1. masculine noun Lord’s Prayer, Our Father.