General links about conlanging:
- Language Creation Society (LCS)
- Fiat Lingua, an archive of conlang articles
- Conlang Atlas of Language Structures (CALS)
- KonlangerZ
- How to fail at conlanging
- Bad conlanging ideas
- The Language Construction Kit
- Conlang Translation Relay no. 10/R “The Olympic Relay”
- The Conlang Mailing List
- FrathWiki: the source of information for the conlanging and linguistics community
- Conlang Wikia
- Some Internet resources relating to constructed languages
- How to create a language
- Introduction to romlangs (Romance Conlangs)
- In the land of Invented Languages (Arika Okrent)
- Ideolengua (Yahoo group in Spanish)
- Linguistics and Conlangs (Facebook group)
- Conlangs Monthly Journal
- ConWorkShop
- Linguifex
- Conlangery Podcast
- Vulgar: Language generator
- Cómo crear una lengua (in Spanish), blog by Miguel Jaén
Specific conlangs:
- Ainu (Elia)
- Akulcuaapcra (Marcus Shiu)
- Alurhsa (Tony Harris)
- Angos (Ben Wood)
- Àspärñettá and Hezil (Zoi)
- Ayeis (Asier Gabikagojeazkoa)
- Ayeri (Carsten Becker)
- Benct Philip Jonsson’s conlangs
- Bhreathanach (Geoff Eddy)
- Brithenig (Andrew Smith)
- Carrajina (Adam Walker)
- Christian Thalmann’s conlangs (including Jovian and Obrenjee)
- David J. Peterson’s conlangs (including Dothraki)
- David Johnson’s conlangs (including Õtari, Lemohai and Leheitak)
- David Tait’s conlangs (including Hopyratian and Eldich)
- Delang
- Dritok (Donald Boozer)
- Esperanto (L. L. Zamenhof)
- Etussian (Ian Suffi)
- Europanto (Diego Marani)
- Fennas (Kate Langer)
- Henrik Theiling’s Conlangs (including Þrjótrunn and Tirkunan)
- Ilaini, language of Valdyas (Irina)
- Illunse (Kate Langer)
- Ithkuil (John Quijada)
- Kēlen (Sylvia Sotomayor)
- Klingon (Marc Okrand)
- Jameld (Älvard te Kraamlep)
- Jan van Steenbergen’s conlangs (including Wenedyk and Interslavic)
- Jim Henry III’s conlangs (including gjâ-zym-byn and säb zjed’a)
- Jörg Rhiemeier’s conlangs (including Roman Germanech)
- Kardak (Mike Bacon)
- Láadan (Suzette Haden Elgin)
- Lemizh (Michael Weber)
- Loglan (James Cooke Brown)
- Lojban (Logical Language Group)
- Lorinda J. Taylor’s conlangs (including Shshi)
- Max Weber’s conlangs (including Wanya, Jayus and Isiko)
- Middle-Earth languages (J. R. R. Tolkien, but interesting website by David Salo)
- Miresua (Amy Mariska Peterson)
- Moten (Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets)
- Na’vi (Paul Frommer)
- Neolatino
- Njenfalgar
- Nordienisk
- Noxilo (Sentaru Mizuta)
- Okuna (Matt Pearson)
- Philip Newton’s conlangs (including Rhaetian and Greek sans flexions)
- Romániço
- Skerre (Doug Ball)
- Tacvekita
- Temenia (Jeffrey Brown)
- Tenu Tendana (Bret Norwood)
- Toki Pona (Sonja Elen Kisa)
- Volapük (Johann Martin Schleyer)
- Yebwi conworld (with several conlangs)