Aingeljã participated in the LCC6 Relay

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During the Sixth Language Creation Conference (LCC6) held this weekend in Horsham (United Kingdom), the final results of the Conlang Relay Game were published, including the Aingeljã entry.

I received a text by William Barton written in his Semkanya conlang, which appears in his novel Crimson Darkness (Venusworld, Volume 1). Here you can read his Semkanya text.

My mission was to translate his text into Aingeljã and to pass the torch to the following participant, who was Daniel Quigly with his Dhanyelle conlang.

Here you can find the complete grammar and glossary for Aingeljã used in this Relay.

This is the video of the LCC6 second day. Aingeljã is mentioned in 3:45.36 minute.



Text in Aingeljã:

“Jo vad tornant malrazonator”

J’heh-mi deixpertat cõn ũ supersaut. T’has-ti circat a jo ràpidament. Jo llewe dormant tot ou dïe. Mous dezeixes potrïen-mi gidre ne mous sonnes e j’esaré perdat ne ma nesonnazõ. Prowailament illas nõn hen notat mous sentiments ocouts defeza illas, meh jo coinoçabe totas as imaixas ne mou sonn. Das imaixas ouscureçaben de segat al’autstrata e nõ deixaben-mi vidre ou chamĩ, de mod qwe a tristiza venabe prendant controu super jo. Ara mesme oul’ùnic pwor interjor qwe façe-mi mowăre-mi potrïe esăre ũ demõ.



[jo vad toɾˈnant malrazonaˈtoɾ

ˈjemi deʃpeɾˈtat kon u supeɾˈsau̯t ˈtaʃti kiɾˈkat a jo ˌrapidaˈment jo ˈʎewe doɾˈmant tot ou̯ ˈdiːe mou̯s deˈzeʃes poˈtɾienmi ˈgidɾe ne mou̯s ˈsoɲes e jesaˈɾe peɾˈdat ne ma nesoɲaˈzo pɾoˌwai̯laˈment ˈiʎas non en noˈtat mou̯s sentiˈments oˈkou̯ts deˈfeza ˈiʎas me jo koi̯noˈsabe ˈtotas as iˈmaʃas ne mou̯ soɲ das iˈmaʃas ouʃkuɾeˈsaben de seˈgat alau̯t͡ʃˈtɾata e no deˈʃabenmi ˈvidɾe ou̯ ˈt͡ʃami de mod kwe a tɾiʃˈtiza veˈnabe pɾenˈdant konˈtɾou suˈpeɾ jo ˈaɾa ˈmeʃme ou̯lˈunik pwoɾ inteˈɾjoɾ kwe ˈfasemi ˈmowəɾemi poˈtɾiːe ˈesəɾe u deˈmo]


Smooth translation into English:

“I’m going crazy”

I have just woken up with a start. You have come closer to me quickly. I have been sleeping during the whole day. My wishes might lead me in my dreams and I will be lost in reverie. Probably they (feminine) have not taken notice of my hidden feelings towards them, but I knew all the images in my dream. These images were darkening the road and will not let me see my path, so sadness was taking control of me. Right now the only inner fear that makes me move might be a demon.



Jo    vad        torn-ant malrazonator.
I.SBJ go.PRS.1SG turn-ADV crazy.
'I'm going crazy.'

J'    heh=mi                deixpert-at  cõ-n         ũ             supersaut.
I.SBJ have.PRS.1SG=REFL.1SG wake-PTCP    INS-Ligature ART.INDF.M.SG start.
'I have just woken up with a start.'

T'      has=ti                circ-at       a  jo    ràpid-a-ment. 
You.SBJ have.PRS.2SG=REFL.2SG approach-PTCP to I.OBJ quick-F-ADV.
'You have come closer to me quickly.'

Jo    llew-e       dorm-ant  tot      ou       dïe.  
I.SBJ keep-PRS.1SG sleep-ADV all.M.SG ART.M.SG day.
'I have been sleeping during the whole day.'

M-ou-s        dezeix-es pot-rï-en=mi         gid-re   ne m-ou-s        sonn-es  e   j'    es-ar-é    perd-at   ne m-a           nesonnazõ.
POSS.1SG-M-PL wish-PL   may-COND-3PL=ACC.1SG lead-INF in POSS.1SG-M-PL dream-PL and I.SBJ be-FUT-1SG lose-PTCP in POSS.1SG-F.SG reverie.
'My wishes might lead me in my dreams and I will be lost in reverie.'

Prowail-a-ment ill-a-s       nõ-n         hen          not-at             m-ou-s        sentiment-s ocout-s   defeza  ill-a-s,       meh jo    coinoç-ab-e  tot-a-s  a-s      imaixa-s ne m-ou          sonn.
Probable-F-ADV they.SBJ-F-PL NEG-Ligature have.PRS.3PL {take-notice}-PTCP POSS.1SG-M-PL feeling-PL  hidden-PL towards they.OBJ-F-PL, but I.SBJ know-PST-1SG all-F-PL ART.F-PL image-PL in POSS.1SG-M.SG dream.
'Probably they (feminine) have not taken noticed of my hidden feelings towards them, but I knew all the images in my dream.'

D-a-s    imaixa-s ouscureç-ab-en de segat a-l'              autstrata e   nõ  deix-ab-en=mi       vid-re  ou       chamĩ, de mod  qwe  a        tristiza ven-ab-e     prend-ant controu super jo.  
DEM-F-PL image-PL darken-PST-3PL PROG     ART.F.SG-Ligature road      and NEG let-PST-3PL=DAT.1SG see-INF ART.M.SG path,  of mode COMP ART.F.SG sadness  come-PST-3SG take-ADV  control over  I.OBJ.
'These images were darkening the road and will not let me see my path, so sadness was taking control of me.'

Ara mesme ou-l'             ùnic pwor interjor qwe faç-e=mi             mow-ăre=mi       pot-rï-e     es-ăre ũ             demõ.
now right ART.M.SG-Ligature only fear inner    REL make-PRS.3SG=DAT-1SG move-INF=REF.1SG may-COND-3SG be-INF ART.INDF.M.SG demon.
'Right now the only inner fear that makes me move might be a demon.'

Rhyme XXIII (Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)

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Pur una mirata, ũ mond;
pur una sourridata, ũ cell;
pur ũ bes… Jo nõ sap
qwe donarïe-ti pur ũ bes!


[puɾ ˈuna miˈɾata u mond
puɾ ˈuna sou̯ˈridata u keʎ
puɾ u bes jo no sap
kwe donaˈɾiːeti puɾ u bes]


Pur u-n-a              mirata, ũ         mond;
for INDF-Ligature-F.SG glance, INDF.M.SG world;
'In exchange for a glance, a world;'

pur u-n-a              sourridata, ũ         cell;
for INDF-Ligature-F.SG smile,      INDF.M.SG heaven;
'for a smile, a heaven;'

pur ũ         bes...  Jo    nõ  sap
for INDF.M.SG kiss... I.SBJ NEG know.1SG.PRS
'for a kiss... I don't know'

qwe  don-arï-e=ti          pur ũ         bes!
what give-COND-1SG=you.OBJ for INDF.M.SG kiss!
'what I'd give you for a kiss!'

Image credit: By KoS (Own work) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Rhyme XXI (Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)

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Qwe cosa eh poimerja?, diçes interqwe clawes
ne ma pupilla ta bleua pupilla.
Qwe cosa eh poimerja? E tu qwezones-mi-ou?
Poimerja… eh tu.


[kwe ˈkosa e poi̯ˈmerja ˈdisez inˈterkwe ˈklawez
ne ma puˈpiʎa ta ˈblewa puˈpiʎa
kwe ˈkosa e poi̯ˈmerja e tu kweˈzonezmiou̯
poi̯ˈmerja e tu]


Qwe  cosa  eh         poimerja?, diç-es      interqwe claw-es
What thing be.3SG.PRS poetry?,   say-2SG.PRS while    nail-2SG.PRS
'What is poetry?, you ask while you fix'

ne m-a     pupilla t-a       bleu-a    pupilla.
in my-F.SG pupil   your-F.SG blue-F.SG pupil.
'your blue gaze on me eyes.'

Qwe  cosa  eh         poimerja? E   tu      qwezon-es=mi=ou?
What thing be.3SG.PRS poetry?   And you.SBJ question-2SG.PRS=me.DAT=it.ACC
'What is poetry? And you ask me that?'

Poimerja... eh         tu.
Poetry...   be.3SG.PRS you.OBJ
'Poetry... is you.'

Image credit: By Böhringer Friedrich [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0 at], via Wikimedia Commons

Rhyme XX (Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)

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Sapa, si aucuna vouta a tous roixes laurs
brasole unvidaila aimosfera brasolata,
qwe al’auma, qwe paraulăre pote cõn ous oixes,
tantbain pote besăre cõn a mirata.


[ˈsapa si au̯ˈkuna ˈvou̯ta a tou̯z ˈroʃez ˈlau̯ɾʒ
bɾaˈsole unviˈdai̯la ai̯moʃˈfeɾa bɾasoˈlata
kwe aˈlau̯ma kwe paˈɾau̯ləɾe ˈpote kon ou̯z ˈoʃeʃ
tantˈbai̯n ˈpote ˈbesəɾe kon a miˈɾata]


Sap-a,        si aucu-n-a           vouta a   t-ou-s    roix-es laur-s
Know-2SG.IMP, if INDF-Ligature-F.SG time  ACC your-M-PL red-PL  lip-PL
'Bear in mind, if ever your red lips'

brasol-e     un-vidail-a      aimosfera   brasol-at-a,
burn-3SG.PRS NEG-visible-F.SG atmosphere burn-PTCP-F.SG,
'are burnt up by an invisible scorched atmosphere,'

qwe  a-l=auma,                   qwe paraul-ăre pot-e       cõ-n          ou-s     oix-es,
COMP the.F.SG-Antiligature=soul, REL speak-INF  can-3SG.PRS with-Ligature the.M-PL eye-PL,
'that the soul, which can talk with the eyes,'

tantbain pot-e       bes-ăre  cõ-n          a        mirata.
also     can-3SG.PRS kiss-INF with-Ligature the.F.SG gaze.
'can also kiss with the gaze'.

Image credit: Lucas Cranach the Elder [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Hail Mary prayer

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Dïo salute-vus, Marja,
plaina ets de graza.
Ou Mouser eh cõ vos.
Baindiçata ets inter totas as famas
e baindiçat eh ou frut de vou venter, Jesous.
Santa Marja, mara de Dïo,
precat pur nos, pecators,
ara et ad al’houra de na morata.


ˈdiːo saˈlutevuz ˈmaɾja
ˈplai̯na ed͡ʒ de ˈgɾaza
ou̯ mou̯ˈseɾ e ko vos
bai̯ndiˈsata ed͡ʒ inˈteɾ ˈtotaz as ˈfamaz
e bai̯ndiˈsat e ou̯ fɾut de vou̯ venˈteɾ jeˈsou̯s
ˈsanta ˈmaɾja ˈmaɾa de ˈdiːo
pɾeˈkat puɾ noʃ pekaˈtoɾs
ˈaɾa et ad aˈlou̯ɾa de na moˈɾata


Dïo salut-e=vus,          Marja,
God hail-3SG.PRS=you.OBJ, Mary,
'Hail Mary'

plain-a   ets        de graza.
full-F.SG be.2PL.PRS of grace.
'full of grace.'

Ou       Mouser eh         cõ   vos.
The.M.SG Lord   be.3SG.PRS with you.OBJ
'The Lord is with thee.'

Baindiç-at-a    ets        inter tot-a-s  a-s      fama-s
Bless-PTCP-F.SG be.2PL.PRS among all-F-PL the.F-PL woman-PL
'Blessed art thou amongst women'

e   baindiç-at      eh         ou       frut  de v-ou      venter, Jesous.
and bless-PTCP.M.SG be.3SG.PRS the.M.SG fruit of your-M.SG womb,   Jesus.
'and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.'

Sant-a    Marja, mara   de Dïo,
holy-F.SG Mary,  mother of God,
'Holy Mary, Mother of God,'

prec-at      pur nos,    pecator-s,
pray-2PL.IMP for we.OBJ, sinner-PL
'pray for us sinners,'

ara et  a-d             a-l=houra              de n-a      morata.
now and at-Antiligature the.F.SG-Ligature=hour of our-F.SG death.
'now and at the hour of our death.'


Image credits: Fra Angelico (circa 1395–1455) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The Lord’s prayer

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Nou Pare, qwe ets nou cell,
qwe santifi cat eh vou nome,
qwe vene a nos vou reixĩ.
Qwe eh façata va voluntà,
tant na terra com nou cell.
Donat-nus hogge nou pã qwotiggãn
e pardonat-nus nas ofensas,
com tantbain nos pardonèms qwĩns ofensen-nus.
E nõ deixat-nus cadre na tentazõn
e lluwerat-nus dou Mal.

Podcast Hosting – Embed Audio – The Lord’s prayer in Aingelj…


[nou̯ ˈpaɾe kwe ed͡z nou̯ keʎ
kwe santifiˈkat e vou̯ ˈnome
kwe ˈvene a noz vou̯ reˈʃi
kwe e faˈsata va volunˈta
tant na ˈtera kom nou̯ keʎ
doˈnatnuz ˈod͡ʒe nou̯ pa kwotiˈd͡ʒan
e paɾdoˈnatnuz nas oˈfensaʃ
kom tantˈbai̯n noʃ paɾdoˈnemʃ kwins oˈfensennuz
e no deˈʃatnuʃ ˈkadɾe na tentaˈzon
e ʎuweˈɾatnuʒ dou̯ mal


N-ou     Pare,   qwe ets        n-ou        cell,
Our-M.SG Father, REL be.2PL.PRS in-the.M.SG heaven,
'Our Father who art in heaven,'

qwe  santific-at      eh              v-ou      nome,
COMP hallow-PTCP.M.SG be.3SG.PRS.SBJV your-M.SG name,
'hallowed be thy name.'

qwe  ven-e             a  nos    v-ou      reixĩ.
COMP come-3SG.PRS.SBJV to we.OBJ your-M.SG kingdom.
'Thy kingdom come.'

Qwe  eh              faç-at-a     v-a       voluntà,
COMP be.3SG.PRS.SBJV do-PTCP-F.SG your-F.SG will,
'Thy will be done'

tant n-a         terra com n-ou        cell.
as   in-the.F.SG earth as  in-the.M.SG heaven.
'on earth, as it is in heaven.'

Don-at=nus          hogge n-ou     pã    qwotiggã-n
Give-2PL.IMP=we.OBJ today our-M.SG bread daily
'Give us this day our daily bread,'

e   pardon-at=nus          n-a-s    ofensa-s,
and forgive-2PL.IMP=we.OBJ our-F-PL offence-PL,
'and forgive us our trespasses,'

com  tantbain nos    pardon-èms      qwĩ-n-s         ofens-en=nus.
like also     we.SBJ forgive-1PL.PRS REL-Ligature-PL offend-3PL.PRS=we.OBJ.
'as we forgive those who trespass against us,'

E   nõ  deix-at=nus        cad-re   n-a         tentazõ-n
and NEG let-2PL.IMP=we.OBJ fall-INF in-the.F.SG temptation-Ligature
'and lead us not into temptation,'

e   lluwer-at=nus       d-ou        Mal.
and free-2PL.IMP=we.OBJ of-the.M.SG evil.
'but deliver us from evil.'


Image credits: James Tissot [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons