1. derivative prefix Made by oneself.
Etymology: From Greek auto- (self).
1. derivative prefix Made by oneself.
Etymology: From Greek auto- (self).
1. derivative prefix Intra-, inside something. Example: intra-òixal, intravainòs, intraqwadrat.
Etymology: From Latin intra-.
1. derivative prefix Added to a word, it derives a new meaning of outside, without something, former relationship, etc. Example: eixmarit, ex-husband; eixventerăre, to shit.
Etymology: From Latin ex-.
1. preposition In front of, in the presence of, before, faced with.
Etymology: From Latin ab ante.
1. derivative prefix Before, ante-.
Etymology: From awant.
1. derivative prefix Added to a word, it derives the corresponding antonym (meaning opposite or negation). Example: unnllèixal, illegal.
Spelling: Before a labial consonant, it is written as um-. Before a palatal consonat, it is written as unn-.
Etymology: From Germanic un-.
1. preposition On, above. Example: Ou llïur eh super a mesa, the book is on the table.
2. preposition About (a topic). Example: Jo volle paraulăre cõ tu super varjes tòpics, I want to talk to you about several topics.
3. preposition Around (approximate). Example: J’heh super ũ millõ d’euros nou banc, I’ve got around a million euros in the bank.
Etymology: From Latin super.
1. derivative prefix Higher place, something really big. Example: nazònal, national, supernazònal, supranational.
2. derivative prefix Located above or covering something. Example: superhaut, overcoat.
Etymology: From Latin supra with influence by super.
1. preposition To (marker of the indirect object of a sentence). Example: J’heh tendat dou per tu, I have bought this to you.
2. preposition For, to, in order to (purpose). Example: Nos façèms dou per consegre ũ mond meixor, we do this in order to achieve a better world.
3. preposition It expresses the use of something. Example: Das oclellas sen per ou sol, these are sunglasses.
4. preposition In, on (expressions of time). Example: Per ou stïu nos hawarèms ũ bebe, we are expecting a baby in summer.
5. preposition To, towards (spatial destination), until (temporal destination). Example: Dou train parte per Franza, this train travels to France.
Etymology: From Latin per.
1. derivative prefix It is used with an augmentative or intensive meaning.
Etymology: From Latin per.