Simulant rjalitatas
cõn unra vana,
awant ou Dezeix
vade a Speranza.
E sas lucas,
com ou feneix, rinaçen
de sas chineixas.
Image credit: [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Simulant rjalitatas
cõn unra vana,
awant ou Dezeix
vade a Speranza.
E sas lucas,
com ou feneix, rinaçen
de sas chineixas.
Image credit: [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Diçes qwe t’has cor, e solament
diçes-ou pur qwe sentes sous batats.
Aceu nõn eh cor…; aceul’eh una màcina
qwe, ad ou reim a qwe illa mowe-si, façe brwit.
Image credit: By Nevit Dilmen (talk · contribs) (Own work) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Pur una mirata, ũ mond;
pur una sourridata, ũ cell;
pur ũ bes… Jo nõ sap
qwe donarïe-ti pur ũ bes!
[puɾ ˈuna miˈɾata u mond
puɾ ˈuna sou̯ˈridata u keʎ
puɾ u bes jo no sap
kwe donaˈɾiːeti puɾ u bes]
Pur u-n-a mirata, ũ mond; for INDF-Ligature-F.SG glance, INDF.M.SG world; 'In exchange for a glance, a world;' pur u-n-a sourridata, ũ cell; for INDF-Ligature-F.SG smile, INDF.M.SG heaven; 'for a smile, a heaven;' pur ũ bes... Jo nõ sap for INDF.M.SG kiss... I.SBJ NEG know.1SG.PRS 'for a kiss... I don't know' qwe don-arï-e=ti pur ũ bes! what give-COND-1SG=you.OBJ for INDF.M.SG kiss! 'what I'd give you for a kiss!'
Image credit: By KoS (Own work) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Qwe cosa eh poimerja?, diçes interqwe clawes
ne ma pupilla ta bleua pupilla.
Qwe cosa eh poimerja? E tu qwezones-mi-ou?
Poimerja… eh tu.
[kwe ˈkosa e poi̯ˈmerja ˈdisez inˈterkwe ˈklawez
ne ma puˈpiʎa ta ˈblewa puˈpiʎa
kwe ˈkosa e poi̯ˈmerja e tu kweˈzonezmiou̯
poi̯ˈmerja e tu]
Qwe cosa eh poimerja?, diç-es interqwe claw-es What thing be.3SG.PRS poetry?, say-2SG.PRS while nail-2SG.PRS 'What is poetry?, you ask while you fix' ne m-a pupilla t-a bleu-a pupilla. in my-F.SG pupil your-F.SG blue-F.SG pupil. 'your blue gaze on me eyes.' Qwe cosa eh poimerja? E tu qwezon-es=mi=ou? What thing be.3SG.PRS poetry? And you.SBJ question-2SG.PRS=me.DAT=it.ACC 'What is poetry? And you ask me that?' Poimerja... eh tu. Poetry... be.3SG.PRS you.OBJ 'Poetry... is you.'
Image credit: By Böhringer Friedrich [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0 at], via Wikimedia Commons
Sapa, si aucuna vouta a tous roixes laurs
brasole unvidaila aimosfera brasolata,
qwe al’auma, qwe paraulăre pote cõn ous oixes,
tantbain pote besăre cõn a mirata.
[ˈsapa si au̯ˈkuna ˈvou̯ta a tou̯z ˈroʃez ˈlau̯ɾʒ
bɾaˈsole unviˈdai̯la ai̯moʃˈfeɾa bɾasoˈlata
kwe aˈlau̯ma kwe paˈɾau̯ləɾe ˈpote kon ou̯z ˈoʃeʃ
tantˈbai̯n ˈpote ˈbesəɾe kon a miˈɾata]
Sap-a, si aucu-n-a vouta a t-ou-s roix-es laur-s Know-2SG.IMP, if INDF-Ligature-F.SG time ACC your-M-PL red-PL lip-PL 'Bear in mind, if ever your red lips' brasol-e un-vidail-a aimosfera brasol-at-a, burn-3SG.PRS NEG-visible-F.SG atmosphere burn-PTCP-F.SG, 'are burnt up by an invisible scorched atmosphere,' qwe a-l=auma, qwe paraul-ăre pot-e cõ-n ou-s oix-es, COMP the.F.SG-Antiligature=soul, REL speak-INF can-3SG.PRS with-Ligature the.M-PL eye-PL, 'that the soul, which can talk with the eyes,' tantbain pot-e bes-ăre cõ-n a mirata. also can-3SG.PRS kiss-INF with-Ligature the.F.SG gaze. 'can also kiss with the gaze'.
Image credit: Lucas Cranach the Elder [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Dou salõ noul’unrerat àingul,
de sa propjetarja qwejaix riprowata,
silenzosa e courata de powe,
vidabe-si al’harpa.
Qwanta nota dormabe ne sas cordas,
com ou focle dorme nas branchas,
sperant a mã de njeix
qwe sape arrancre-as!
Au! – pensé – qwantas voutas ou ggenn
ainsĩ dorme nou fond dal’auma,
et una voixa, com Làzar, spere
qwe diçe-ïa “Llewa-ti et anda!”
Image credit: By Aij (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons