1. demonstrative determiner, masculine singular This.
Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into doul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: dous; for feminine forms, see da (1).
2. demonstrative pronoun, masculine singular This one.
Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into doul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: dous; for feminine forms, see da (2).
Etymology (1-2): A portmonteau between German das (this) and the definite article ou.
3. preposition-article contraction, masculine singular Of the.
Spelling: Before words beginning with a vowel or h-, it turns into doul’, with word ligature (both words are written together without intermediate spaces). For masculine plural: dous; for feminine forms, see da (3).