Clothing, personal adornment and care

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These are the words included in the so-called Buck list related to the Clothing, personal adornment and care semantic field.

No. English Aingeljã
6.11 to put on (clothes) vestre, vestre-si
6.12 clothes, clothing haut, vestament
6.13 tailor tallator
6.21 cloth pann, tela
6.22 wool
6.23 linen llĩ
6.24 cotton cotõ
6.25 silk seta
6.26 lace dentella
6.27 felt feuter
6.28 fur pella
6.29 leather cori
6.31 to spin filăre
6.32 spindle fus
6.33 to weave teixăre
6.34 loom teler
6.35 to sew cosujăre
6.36 needle acuixa
6.37 awl soula
6.38 thread fil
6.39 to dye tinnggăre
6.41 cloak mantell
6.412 overcoat superhaut
6.42 woman’s dress haut fàmal
6.43 coat apric
6.44 shirt chameixa
6.45 collar voutacoll
6.46 skirt fauda
6.47 apron sawevestament
6.48 trousers pantalõ
6.49 stocking, sock jambau, chauça
6.51 shoe soller
6.52 boot bota
6.53 slipper pàmfela
6.54 shoemaker sollerer
6.55 hat, cap sawechap, unra-oixes
6.57 belt cinnggator
6.58 glove sawemã
6.59 veil vel
6.61 pocket bursell
6.62 button botõ
6.63 pin acuixell
6.71 adornment ornament
6.72 jewel jwela
6.73 ring aneu
6.74 bracelet braçau, pousau
6.75 necklace collau
6.81 handkerchief mocer
6.82 towel secamã
6.83 napkin pannell
6.91 comb petain
6.92 brush petainõ
6.93 razor radebaura
6.94 ointment unnggament
6.95 soap sapõ
6.96 mirror speix

Food & Drink and Cooking & Utensils

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These are the words included in the so-called Buck list related to the Food & Drink and Cooking & Utensils semantic field.

No. English Aingeljã
5.11 to eat mannggăre
5.12 food mannggata
5.13 to drink bewăre
5.14 hunger fame
5.15 thirst
5.16 to suck suggăre
5.17 to mix meixăre
5.21 to cook coçre
5.22 to boil bullăre
5.23 to roast, to fry rostre, friggăre
5.24 to bake fornejăre
5.25 oven forn
5.26 pot pot
5.27 kettle caudera
5.28 pan pataina
5.31 dish disc
5.32 plate disc
5.33 bowl scutella
5.34 pitcher, jug pervàs
5.35 cup copa
5.36 saucer discell
5.37 spoon culler
5.38 knife coutell
5.39 fork forcell
5.41 meal mannggata
5.42 breakfast spertòmacs
5.43 lunch mannggata
5.44 dinner caina
5.45 supper caina
5.51 bread
5.52 cake gasteu
5.53 dough masa
5.54 to knead masăre
5.55 flour farina
5.56 grind molăre
5.57 mill molĩ
5.61 meat charna
5.612 butcher charner
5.62 beef vitell
5.63 sausage sauchisa
5.64 soup, broth sopa
5.65 vegetables verdura
5.66 bean faixou
5.67 pea pisell
5.68 onion balnebal
5.69 cabbage chaula
5.70 potato patata
5.71 fruit fruta
5.72 apple mella
5.73 pear pera
5.74 peach pesge
5.75 fig fic
5.76 grape owa
5.77 nut nuix
5.78 olive oliwa
5.79 oil oll
5.80 berry bagga
5.81 salt sala
5.82 pepper peper
5.83 vinegar vinacer
5.84 honey mela
5.85 sugar sucer
5.86 milk lata
5.87 to milk owerăre
5.88 cheese caix
5.89 butter buter
5.91 mead aqwamela
5.92 wine
5.93 beer ceureixa

Buck list for Body Parts & Functions

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These are the words included in the so-called Buck list related to the Body Parts & Functions semantic field.

No. English Aingeljã
4.11 body corp
4.12 skin, hide pella, pellona
4.13 flesh charna
4.14 hair pell, chapell
4.142 beard baura
4.15 blood sangina
4.16 bone os
4.162 rib costa
4.17 horn corn
4.18 tail chauda
4.19 back spauta
4.20 head chap
4.202 skull crann, chawarja
4.203 brain cereur
4.204 face feza
4.205 forehead fronta
4.206 eyebrow superoix
4.207 jaw mannggula
4.208 cheek maixella
4.209 chin mentõ
4.21 eye oix
4.22 ear aureixa
4.23 nose nasa
4.24 mouth buca
4.25 lip laur
4.26 tongue langa
4.27 tooth dent, mola
4.28 neck coll
4.29 throat gargella
4.30 shoulder autbraç
4.31 arm braç
4.32 elbow cout
4.33 hand
4.34 finger deit
4.342 thumb polleix
4.35 leg jamba
4.36 knee genulla
4.37 foot pez
4.38 toe deit dou pez
4.39 nail, claw unnlla, unnllaix
4.392 wing ala
4.393 feather pluma
4.40 front of chest pet
4.41 breast of woman pet, teta
4.42 udder ower
4.43 navel onlic
4.44 heart cor
4.45 liver fit
4.46 belly, stomach venter, stòmac, audome
4.47 womb uter, venter
4.48 egg owell
4.49 testicle testeix, collõ
4.492 penis pain
4.51 to breathe, breath rispirăre, suflat
4.52 to gape, yawn oscizăre, oscizament
4.53 to cough, cough tosăre, tosura
4.54 to sneeze, sneeze sternujăre, sternujazõ
4.55 to sweat, sweat sudorăre, sudor
4.56 to spit scospujăre
4.57 to vomit, vomit vomitre, vòmit
4.58 to bite, bit mordre, mordatura
4.59 to lick lanre
4.61 to sleep, sleep dormăre, dormata, seixta
4.62 to dream, dream sonnăre, sonn
4.63 to weak deixpertre-si
4.64 to fart, fart petidre-si, pètid
4.65 to urinate, urine orinăre, pisejăre, orina, pis
4.66 to void excrement, dung, excrement eixventerăre, cacre, merda, eixcremant, stercor
4.67 to have sexual intercourse, to fuck fotujăre
4.71 to beget (of father) generăre
4.72 to bear (of mother) partorăre
4.73 pregnant graudata
4.732 to conceive graudre
4.74 to live, life, alive viwăre, vita, vïu
4.75 to die, death, dead morăre, morata, morat
4.76 to kill tautre
4.77 corpse, body chadaur, corp
4.78 to bury (the dead) souterrăre
4.79 grave, tomb tomba
4.81 strong, mighty, powerful fort, potant
4.82 weak, infirm deul
4.83 well, health , salù, sanità
4.84 sick, sickness malhautòs, malhaut
4.85 to wound, wound ferăre, ferata
4.86 cure, to cure, to heal cura, curăre. sanăre
4.87 physician megge
4.88 medicine, drug meggament, droga, scjenza mèggala
4.89 poison venain
4.91 tired, weary, tiredness tirrat, tirranza, fatigatfatiga
4.92 lazy, laziness pigrizòs, pigriza
4.93 bald, baldness chawe, chawiza
4.94 lame, lameness, one-armed, one-handed, that has lost at least one finger disjambòs, disjambosiza, disbraçòs, dismanòs, disdeitòs
4.95 deaf, deafness surd, surdera
4.96 dumb, dumbness mut, mutera
4.97 blind, blindess cec, cecera
4.98 drunk, drunkenness ewer, ewertà
4.99 naked, bare nudat

Buck list for Animals

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These are the words included in the so-called Buck list related to the Animals semantic field.

No. English Aingeljã
3.11 animal animau
3.12 male (animal) malesc
3.13 female (animal) famella
3.14 to castrate chastrăre
3.15 livestock bezau
3.16 to pasture paçre, pastorăre
3.17 pasture past
3.18 herdsman, shepherd pastor
3.19 stall, stable staul
3.20 cattle bezau
3.21 bull taur
3.22 ox bou
3.23 cow vacha
3.24 calf vitell
3.25 sheep oweixa
3.26 ram arïe
3.27 wether arïe chastrat
3.28 ewe oweixa
3.29 lamb ainell
3.31 swine, pig porc
3.32 boar porc
3.33 barrow porc chastrat
3.34 sow porca
3.35 piglet, pig porcell
3.36 goat chapera
3.37 he-goat chaper
3.38 kid chaperell
3.41 horse chawall
3.42 stallion chawall de staul
3.43 gelding chawall chastrat
3.44 mare eqwa
3.45 foal, colt pouter
3.46 ass, donkey asĩ
3.47 mule mul
3.51 hen, chicken gallina
3.52 cock, rooster gallĩ
3.53 capon chapõ
3.54 hen gallina
3.55 chicken poll
3.56 goose aweixa
3.57 duck ànit
3.61 dog chã
3.612 puppy chatell
3.62 cat gat
3.63 mouse rodor
3.64 bird aucell
3.65 fish peix
3.66 fisherman peixator
3.71 wolf lop
3.72 lion ljõ
3.73 bear urs
3.74 fox voup
3.75 deer ceur
3.76 monkey simje
3.77 elephant elefant
3.78 camel chamell
3.79 to hunt chaizăre
3.81 insect inset
3.82 bee apeixa
3.83 fly musca
3.84 worm verm
3.85 snake serpanta

Buck list for Mankind

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These are the words included in the so-called Buck list related to the Mankind semantic field.

No. English Aingeljã
2.1 human being esăre homã
2.21 man home
2.22 woman fama
2.23 male malesc
2.24 female famella
2.242 sex seix
2.25 boy rapaix, ninĩ, cjude
2.26 girl rapaixa, ninina
2.27 child cjude, cjuda
2.28 infant bebè
2.31 husband marit
2.32 wife marita
2.33 to wed, to marry maritre-si
2.34 wedding, marriage maritaix
2.35 father pare
2.36 mother mara
2.37 parents parants
2.41 son feix
2.42 daughter feixa
2.44 brother ggermã
2.45 sister ggermana
2.46 grand-father grã-pare
2.47 grand-mother granamara
2.48 grand-son grã-feix
2.49 grand-daughter granafeixa
2.51 uncle auncle
2.52 aunt auncla
2.53 nephew neit
2.54 niece neita
2.55 cousin cusĩ, cusina
2.56 ancestor awantnaçat
2.57 descendant discendant
2.61 father-in-law socer
2.62 mother-in-law socera
2.63 son-in-law gener
2.64 daughter-in-law nora
2.65 brother-in-law coinat
2.66 sister-in-law coinata
2.71 stepfather paraster
2.72 stepmother marastera
2.73 stepson feixaster
2.74 stepdaughter feixastera
2.75 orphan orfã
2.76 widow vidou, vidoua
2.81 relative rilatïu
2.82 family familla

Buck list for Physical World

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These are the words included in the so-called Buck list related to the Physical World semantic field.

No. English Aingeljã
1.1 world mond
1.21 earth, land terra
1.212 ground, soil terra, plã
1.213 dust, powder powe
1.214 mud lot
1.215 sand araina
1.22 hill, mountain collain, muntanna
1.23 plain, field planalura, champ
1.24 dale, valley vall
1.25 isle, island illa
1.26 mainland, continent continant, terra firma
1.27 shore, beach ora, plagga
1.31 water aqwa
1.32 sea mer
1.33 lake, pond lacstain
1.34 gulf, bay gouf, bajïa
1.35 wave unda
1.36 broom, stream, river riwell, rïu
1.37 spring, well fontã, puz
1.41 woods, forest foresta, siwa
1.42 tree arour
1.43 wood, timber lleina
1.44 rock, stone roca, petra
1.51 sky, heavens cell
1.52 Sun Sol
1.53 Moon Llũ
1.54 star stella
1.55 flash, lightning làmpic
1.56 thunder toniter
1.57 thunderbold, striking lightning ragg
1.61 light lluma
1.62 darkness ouscurità
1.63 shade, shadow unra
1.71 air air
1.72 wind, breeze went, briza
1.73 cloud neula
1.74 mist, fog, haze neulata
1.75 rain plugga
1.76 snow njeix
1.77 ice ggel
1.78 weather vedra
1.81 fire foc
1.82 flame flama
1.83 smoke fum
1.84 ash chenza
1.85 to burn cremare
1.86 to light encendre
1.87 match, fire stick radeflamas

Swadesh list for Aingeljã

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The American-Mexican linguist Morris Swadesh (1909-1967) studied the time variation of languages (glottochronology). He suggested that languages could be compared and classified into families by analyzing the evolution of a “core vocabulary”, including personal pronouns, body parts, colours, animals, action verbs, weather topics and geografical terms, among others. According to his theory, these basic words are scarcely borrowed from other languages, so they can be considered representantive of the traditional vocabulary of a specific language.

He compiled a list of such words, in what we now know as the Swadesh list. It comes in two versions: the 100-word list and the more extended 207-word list. The table below shows the 207-word list for Aingeljã, including the equivalent English and Classical Latin versions of each term. The number is the original one from Swadesh.

In case a word appears in both lists, the first number corresponds to the 207-word list, while the number of the 100-word list appears in brackets. All the entries in the 100-word list also appear in the 207-word one, except for the word “claw” (number 45 in the old list), unnllaix. It was substituted by “fingernail” (number 79 in the new list), unnlla, as this word was very difficult to find in documents written in ancient languages.

No. English Latin Aingeljã
1 (1) I ego jo
2 (2) you (singular) tu tu
3 he ille ill
4 (3) we nos nos
5 you (plural) vos vos
6 they illi illes
7 (4) this hic dou
8 (5) that ille aceu
9 here hic ca
10 there illic lla
11 (6) who quis qwĩ
12 (7) what quid qwe
13 where ubi
14 when cum qwand
15 how quomodo com
16 (8) not non
17 (9) all omnes tot
18 (10) many multi mouts
19 some aliqui aucũns
20 few pauci paucs
21 other alter autre
22 (11) one unus ũ
23 (12) two duo douz
24 three tres tre
25 four quattuor qwator
26 five quinque cinc
27 (13) big magnus grã
28 (14) long longus loneix
29 wide latus ample
30 thick crassus gros
31 heavy gravis pesòs
32 (15) small parvus piceu
33 short brevis curt
34 narrow angustus stret
35 thin gracilis
36 (16) woman femina fama
37 (17) man (adult male) vir home
38 (18) Man (human being) homo esăre homã
39 child puer cjude
40 wife mulier marita
41 husband maritus marit
42 mother mater mara
43 father pater pare
44 animal animal animau
45 (19) fish piscis peix
46 (20) bird avis aucell
47 (21) dog canis chã
48 (22) louse pediculus peduix
49 snake serpens serpanta
50 worm vermis verm
51 (23) tree arbor arour
52 forest silva foresta
53 stick palus pal
54 fruit fructus fruta
55 (24) seed semen semainata
56 (25) leaf folium foixa
57 (26) root radix radeixa
58 (27) bark (of tree) cortex corteixa
59 flower flos flora
60 grass herba heura
61 rope chorda corda
62 (28) skin cutis pella
63 (29) meat carnis charna
64 (30) blood sanguis sangina
65 (31) bone os os
66 (32) fat (noun) pinguamen grasa
67 (33) egg ovum ou
68 (34) horn cornu corn
69 (35) tail cauda chauda
70 (36) feather penna pluma
71 (37) hair pilus chapell, pell
72 (38) head caput chap
73 (39) ear auris aureixa
74 (40) eye oculus oix
75 (41) nose nasus nasa
76 (42) mouth os buca
77 (43) tooth dens dent
78 (44) tongue (anatomy) lingua langa
79 fingernail unguis unnlla
80 (46) foot pes pez
81 leg crus jamba
82 (47) knee genu genulla
83 (48) hand manus
84 wing ala ala
85 (49) belly venter venter
86 guts viscera virescas
87 (50) neck cervix coll
88 back dorsum spauta
89 (51) breast mamma pet
90 (52) heart cor cor
91 (53) liver iecur fit
92 (54) to drink bibere bewăre
93 (55) to eat edere mannggăre
94 (56) to bite mordere mordre
95 to suck sugere lanre
96 to spit spuere scospujăre
97 to vomit vomere vomitre
98 to blow inflare suflăre
99 breathe respirare rispirăre
100 to laugh ridere ridre
101 (57) to see videre vidre
102 (58) to hear audire auggăre
103 (59) to know scire sapre
104 to think cogitare pensăre
105 to smell olfacere olorăre
106 to fear timere pworăre
107 (60) to sleep dormire dormăre
108 to live vivere viwăre
109 (61) to die moriri morăre
110 (62) to kill necare tautre
111 to fight luctare llutre
112 to hunt venari chaizăre
113 to hit pellere coupejăre
114 to cut secare curtre
115 to split dividere partre
116 to stab pungere coutellăre
117 to scratch scabere radre
118 to dig fodire cawăre
119 (63) to swim natare natre
120 (64) to fly volare volăre
121 (65) to walk ambulare chaminăre
122 (66) to come venire venăre
123 (67) to lie (down in bed) cubare loneixăre-si (action)
124 (68) to sit sedere sentre-si
125 (69) to stand stare llewăre-si (action) / esăre de pez (state)
126 to turn vertire ggirăre
127 to fall cadere cadre
128 (70) to give dare donăre
129 to hold tenere soujetre
130 to squeeze exprimere preixonăre
131 to rub fricare frizonăre
132 to wash lavare lawăre
133 to wipe tergere netejăre
134 to pull trahere trawăre
135 to push pellere pousre
136 to throw iacere lanzăre
137 to tie ligare aitre
138 to sew seminare cosujăre
139 to count computare contre
140 (71) to say dicere diçre
141 to sing canere chantre
142 to play ludere jocre
143 to float fluctuare flotre
144 to flow fluere fluixăre
145 to freeze gelare ggelăre
146 to swell augere inflăre-si
147 (72) sun sol Sol
148 (73) moon luna Llũ
149 (74) star stella stella
150 (75) water aqua aqwa
151 (76) rain pluvia plugga
152 river flumen rïu
154 lake lacus lac
154 sea mare mer
155 salt sal sala
156 (77) stone petra petra
157 (78) sand harena araina
158 dust pulvis powe
159 (79) earth terra terra
160 (80) cloud nebula neula
161 fog caligo neulata
162 sky caelum cell
163 wind ventus went
164 snow nix njeix
165 ice gelu ggel
166 (81) smoke fumus fum
167 (82) fire ignis foc
168 (83) ash cinis chenza
169 (84) to burn flammare cremăre
170 (85) road via chamĩ
171 (86) mountain mons muntanna
172 (87) red ruber roix
173 (88) green viridis verd
174 (89) yellow croceus gaubĩ
175 (90) white albus blanc
176 (91) black niger ner
177 (92) night nox noix
178 day dies dïe
179 year annus ann
180 (93) warm calidus caude
181 (94) cold frigidus freit
182 (95) full plenus plain
183 (96) new novus nou
184 old vetus veil
185 (97) good bonus
186 bad malus mal
187 rotten putridus putrat
188 dirty immundus sùzid
189 straight rectus ret
190 (98) round rotundus rond
191 sharp (knife) acutus filat
192 dull (knife) retusus disfilat
193 smooth suavis lleix
194 wet humidus moixat
195 (99) dry siccus sec
196 correct rectus corret
197 near proximus circa
198 far longus loneix
199 right dexter dreta
200 left sinister goixa
201 at ad a
202 in in ne
203 with cum
204 and et e
205 if si si
206 because quod pur qwe
207 (100) name nomen nome


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Colours in Aingeljã


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