Buck list for Mankind

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These are the words included in the so-called Buck list related to the Mankind semantic field.

No. English Aingeljã
2.1 human being esăre homã
2.21 man home
2.22 woman fama
2.23 male malesc
2.24 female famella
2.242 sex seix
2.25 boy rapaix, ninĩ, cjude
2.26 girl rapaixa, ninina
2.27 child cjude, cjuda
2.28 infant bebè
2.31 husband marit
2.32 wife marita
2.33 to wed, to marry maritre-si
2.34 wedding, marriage maritaix
2.35 father pare
2.36 mother mara
2.37 parents parants
2.41 son feix
2.42 daughter feixa
2.44 brother ggermã
2.45 sister ggermana
2.46 grand-father grã-pare
2.47 grand-mother granamara
2.48 grand-son grã-feix
2.49 grand-daughter granafeixa
2.51 uncle auncle
2.52 aunt auncla
2.53 nephew neit
2.54 niece neita
2.55 cousin cusĩ, cusina
2.56 ancestor awantnaçat
2.57 descendant discendant
2.61 father-in-law socer
2.62 mother-in-law socera
2.63 son-in-law gener
2.64 daughter-in-law nora
2.65 brother-in-law coinat
2.66 sister-in-law coinata
2.71 stepfather paraster
2.72 stepmother marastera
2.73 stepson feixaster
2.74 stepdaughter feixastera
2.75 orphan orfã
2.76 widow vidou, vidoua
2.81 relative rilatïu
2.82 family familla